- 07/02/2019
Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering (CTE) traditionally organized the Global annual event “Computer Science Education Week (CSE Week) 2018”. The event aims to increase the awareness and the interest of school students in computer science. In the frame of CSE Week the successful students of the faculty are delivering the trainings, workshops and are
IBSU, SRDI and Bridge Innovation and Development with the support of the Georgian Tourism Association proudly present: Heart of Georgia to the World Hackathon coming up on 1-3 March. Heart of Georgia to the World is an exclusive 33 hour hackathon to develop a high-fidelity prototype website dedicated to community based sustainable tourism in Georgia
On January 28, 2019 the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering organized an award ceremony of both the training on “Introduction to Programming” and the workshop on “Web Development” which were held within the framework of CTE_Winter School 2019 for 9th-12th grade students. The ceremony were attended by the University’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ilyas
On January 26, 2019, the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering organized a workshop on “Web Development” within the framework of CTE_Winter School 2019 for 9th-12th grade students. The workshop was conducted by one of the successful students of the faculty, Georgy Shavoshvili (with a 100% scholarship), who currently works as a Java Software Development
On February 17, 2019, VI Winter Olympiad in Informatics will be held at International Black Sea University, organized by International Black Sea University and Information Technologies Training and Informatics Olympiad Supporting Association. The Olympiad will be held in the format of International Informatics Olympiads. Students of the public and private schools of Georgia and young
The Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering organized a training in Introduction to Programming within the framework of CTE_Winter School 2019 for 9th-12th grade students. The training were conducted by one of the successful students of the faculty, Vazha Araviashvili and Emzar Elizbarashvili, who have been participating in various developing projects. At the end of
On the 1st of February, 2019 an orientation meeting was held with the academic and invited staff involved in the carrying out of the bachelor educational programs at the Faculty of Business Management. Faculty gave detailed information about academic process, academic calendar of the semester as well as to some important rules and regulations of
The winter school on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science (https://cte.ibsu.edu.ge/wstfcs2019/) will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, February 4-9, 2019. The school will be organized by the International Black Sea University with the support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG). The intended audience of the winter school includes master and PhD students as well as young researchers from the fields of computer science and mathematics. The lecturers and subjects of the school are: Volker
On December 17, 2019 Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene from Siualia State College (Lithuania) visited Faculty of Business and Technologies. Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene introduced to students and staff Siualia State College programs, students life at college, and discussed marketing issues with Marketing direction students.