- 11/05/2018
DAAD representatives, together with Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering of the International Black Sea University, visited the partner companies such as Smartweb and Orient Logic in the framework of the project “University Business Partnership”. On the meetings current and future cooperation issues were discussed.
The Faculty of Business Management hosted Dr. Marcin Ocieszak from Kozminski University in Poland on May 1, 2018 in the frame of Visegrad project: EU Integration and Financial Market Reforms in Visegrad Countries. Dr. Ocieszak delivered a seminar about EU Integration and Financial Market Reforms in Visegrad Countries – Polish Experience. The visiting doctor shared
On April 27, in the Hotel Tbilisi Marriott public and private universities met more than 30 companies, which are working in the field of Architect and Interior Design. This meeting was held in the framework of the project “Collaboration with Universities”, organized by Enterprise Georgia. Our faculty representatives were attending this meeting. Architecture Program was
On April 28, Hackathon with Raspberry Pi was held at the International Black Sea University in the fraework of DAAD project. Students from IBSU and GTU participated in the hackathon. German professor Mario Neugebauer delivered a workshop for participants of the hackathon for 2 days. 🏆🎁The first and second placeholder participants were awarded with prizes
26 აპრილიდან 4 მაისის ჩათვლით DAAD-ისა და Erasmus+-ის წარმომაგენლები პროექტის “ყირგიზეთსა და საქართველოში პრაქტიკაზე ორიენტირებული სწავლის გავრცელება” ფარგლებში გეგმავენ ვიზიტს საქართველოში. ვიზიტის განმავლობაში ჩატარდება შემდეგი ღონისძიებები სტუდენტებისა და პროფესორებისათვის: ცვიკაუს უნივერსიტეტის, Erasmus+-ისა და DAAD-ის პრეზენტაცია – წარმომადგენლები შეხვდებიან სტუდენტებს, რექტორს და გაიმართება გაცნობითი სახის შეხვედრა. შეხვედრა ჩატარდება 26 აპრილს, 16:00 საათზე, შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში,
On April 19, from 10:00 am to 12:00 am, at A101 (A building, 1st floor) Mr. Agha Khalid will deliver the training on “Career Management – its Tips and Techniques”. Session Outline: Agha Khalid, SPHR, GPHR – HR professional based in Dubai (UAE), who associated with couple of large scale multi-billion dollars multinational organizations operating