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External Mobility in International Black Sea University

School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences

External Mobility has been announced.

Terms and stages of mobility
Terms and stages of mobility Terms related to the administration of 2018-2019 spring semester mobility process

The first stage:
1 Term for submitting a written application (with attached electronic form) on vacant positions for the students to be enrolled via mobility rule by the higher educational institutions to the center – from January 8 to January 11 (included) of 2019;

2. Term for the center to register the students to be enrolled via mobility rule on the electronic portal – from January 14 to January 16 (included) of 2019. 

The second stage:
1 Term for students registration on the electronic portal – starting from 12:00 on January 17 2019 until 18:00pm on February 1 of 2019;
2. Term for paying the mobility fee by the students – starting from 12:00 on January 17 2019 until 18:00pm on February 01 of 2019;
3. Term for publishing the mobility results on the electronic portal – 6 February 2019. 

The third stage:
1. Term for the students to show up at the higher education institution that accepted them in the case of positive results on the electronic portal – terms set by the respective higher educational institution;

2. Term for submitting written application on students mobility and personal files to the recipient higher educational institution – terms set by the recipient higher educational institution;

3. Term for approving (consent/refusal) the written application of a student regarding amount of credits recognized by the recipient institution – the terms set by the recipient higher educational institution;

The fourth stage:
1. Term for submitting to the center the legal acts projects (with attached electronic form) of the institutions regarding the persons to be enrolled via mobility rule – no later than from February 6 to February 14 of 2019;

2. Term for issuing the conclusion on the legal acts projects by the center – from February 15 to February 26 of 2019;

3. Deadline for issuing an order regarding enrollment of students via mobility rule by the higher educational institutions – 1 March 2019.

The fifth stage:
1. Deadline for registering the order on enrollment of students via mobility rule by the higher educational institutions in the registry of the educational institutions – no later than 4 March 2019;

2. Deadline for submitting the order on enrollment of students via mobility rule by the higher educational institutions to the center- no later than 5 March 2019;

3. Deadline for issuing an order on termination of a status of the student transferred via mobility – 6 March 2019;
4. Deadline for registering the order on termination of a status of the student transferred via mobility in the registry of the higher educational institution – 6 March 2019;

5. An order on termination of the status of student and an electronic version of related information shall, according to the form established by an individual administrative-legal act of the director of the Center, be submitted to the Center before March 7, 2018;

6. Term for issuing an excerpt (with attached documents) from the order regarding termination of a status of the student transferred via mobility – 1 week after the student’s addressing.

Students willing to enroll in International Black Sea University from other universities can follow the link below for external  mobility procedure details:
