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On June 15, 2018 defense of Internship course was held by the direction of International Relations,  Faculty of Social Sciences. At the Defense students of International Relations presented the partner organizations of the faculty which were hosting them as interns.

Zaza Shengelia delivered a public lecture on "Effective Media Management and Challenges" at the International Black Sea University. It touched upon the transformation of frequency broadcasting and the issue of internet media in the world media market. Zaza Shengelia is the

Within the framework of the "Writing for Magazine" course, the second year students of Black Sea University and future journalists visited Mestia Municipality in Svaneti. Since the biggest concern of local population is the construction of the hydropower plants, students interviewed

Duration of the project is two days. * On the first day organizers of the project - trainers will introduce to the participants project format and rules. Participants will be divided into groups according to sectors (English, Georgian). English groups will be

On May 8th, the founder of the International Media Group, Giorgi Kapanadze delivered a public lecture on "The Influence of Alternative Media Outlets in Georgia" at the International Black Sea University. The speaker spoke about differences between modern media outlets and

On May 4, "Revenue Service" of the Ministry of Finance had organized  the educational tour, "We pay taxes and create a secure future", in which economics programme students of "International Black Sea University" joined .  The students visited the customs crossing point
