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Public lecture on “Opportunities, Problems, & Challenges of Integration into NATO & EU”

IBSU hosted a public lecture on "Opportunities, problems, and challenges of integration into NATO and EU," led by Papuna Davitaia, a third-rank captain with five years of experience working at...

IBSU hosts Hungarian and Polish lecturers

As part of the Erasmus + KA107 Exchange Program, IBSU hosted Dr. Arva Valeria from Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary) and Renata Winkler Cracow University of Economics (Poland). The guests met with the...

Public Lecture – HR Opportunities: Realising Your Potential in Public Sector

IBSU hosted a public lecture on "HR opportunities - realizing your potential in the public sector," led by Nana Kupunia, HR and organizational development consultant, Mega Consulting founder, IBSU invited...

IBSU hosts training on Becoming a Front-end Developer

Devexperts trainer, and front-end developer, Oleg Chervontsev, delivered a lecture at IBSU on the topic "Become a Front-End Developer: Skills, Trends, and Career Path." The trainer thoroughly presented the students...

IBSU hosts public lecture – Flow & Dream Job

Organized by the initiative group of Public Administration and State Governance students, IBSU hosted a public lecture on "Flow & Dream Job - how to find the desired job.' The...

IBSU hosts public lecture – Flow & Dream Job

Organized by the initiative group of Public Administration and State Governance students, IBSU hosted a public lecture on "Flow & Dream Job - how to find the desired job.' The...

IBSU hosts voluntary blood donation campaign

The Blood Centre and the International Black Sea University collaborated to hold a voluntary blood donation campaign for the second time, with IBSU employees and students participating. The donated blood...