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Devexperts trainer delivered lecture at IBSU

Devexperts trainer Aleksei Babukh delivered a lecture to IBSU students on the topic "Digital Dream Team: Inside IT Companies". Babukh covered IT roles and their importance in a technology-driven world,...

IBSU students met with Dusheti School students

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IBSU academic and administrative staff attended “Service Standards” training

IBSU academic and administrative staff attended the "Service Standards" training, organized by the IBSU HR Management and Development Office in Shuaguli. Experienced trainer Teimuraz Goderdzishvili exposed IBSU personnel to current...

PH International-ის წარმომადგენელმა IBSU-ში ტრენინგი ჩაატარა

საჯარო ადმინისტრირებისა და სახელმწიფო მმართველობის მესამე კურსის სტუდენტების, ნონა ქიმერიძისა და ელენე მაისურაძის ორგანიზებით, IBSU-მ არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაცია PH International-ის წარმომადგენელს, თინათინ ებანოიძეს უმასპინძლა, რომელმაც ორგანიზაციის წარმატებულ პროექტებზე ისაუბრა და ყურადღება...

American Studies students attend NATO, EU summit in Estonia

IBSU American Studies students Anano Gogia and Saba Fruidze attended the NATO and EU Summit in Estonia. IBSU freshers addressed the summit participants. On the margins of the summit, the students met with the...

IBSU hosts scientific seminar

The IBSU Centre for Interdisciplinary Research hosted the scientific seminar "Interdisciplinary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in the 21st Century", with researchers and young scientists in attendance. The international seminar seeks...

IBSU hosts scientific seminar

The IBSU Centre for Interdisciplinary Research hosted the scientific seminar "Interdisciplinary Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in the 21st Century", with researchers and young scientists in attendance. The international seminar seeks...