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IBSU-ში დებატებისა და კრიტიკული დისკუსიების კლუბი და ამერიკისმცოდნეობის სტუდენტური კავშირი გაიხსნა

The Debate and Critical Discussion Club and the American Studies Students' Union held their inaugural event at IBSU. The duo will focus on human rights, women's rights, equality, American, European, and...

10th Winter Olympics in Informatics – Results

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Mock trial at Supreme Court of Georgia

IBSU School of Law and State Governance students held a mock trial at the Supreme Court of Georgia. BA in Law students staged a criminal law imitation trial in English language. Students also visited the...

IBSU School of Business orientation meeting

IBSU School of Business representatives held an orientation meeting with the academic and invited staff. The attendees learned about the most recent developments and changes at the university.