Purpose of Program Georgian-taught Psychology BA program aims to train highly qualified specialists with broad knowledge and competencies corresponding to modern standards. The program offers students broad and versatile knowledge, introducing various...
რომან გოცირიძე Email: info@ibsu.edu.geბიზნესის სკოლის ადმინისტრაციული დირექტორი; საბუღალტრო აღრიცხვისა და აუდიტის საბაკალავრო პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელირჩეული პუბლიკაციები: უძველესი კოსმოლოგიური კონცეპტები და არქაული რელიგიური სიმბოლოები ქართველთა კულტურულ მეხსიერებაში, ილიას სახ. უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა, 2017. სიმბოლო...
International Black Sea University students of English Philology, Finance, Marketing, Management, and International Relations BA programs will partake in exchange programs at the following universities: Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS),...
The Rector of International Black Sea University Kakha Shengelia met with the Rector of Ambis University during his visit to the Czech Republic. Both Rectors engaged in insightful discussions about...
Affiliated Associate Professor, Doctor of International Black Sea University (IBSU), Azer Dilanchiev is recognized as the Top Economist in Georgia, as per the recent rankings by RePEc (IDEAS), based on...
Within the Innovation of the Structure and Content of Education in the Field of Economics and Management with an Emphasis on Digitization, Sustainability, and the Inclusion of Migrants (ISCEM) Project,...
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IBSU International Relations Department hosted a pivotal workshop on the "Green Economy," a key initiative under the Erasmus+ funded project "Innovation of the Structure and Content of Education in the...