IBSU International Relations Program hosted panel discussion on “Russia-Ukraine War, International Response to The challenges of World Order and Security”. In the framework of the panel discussion, current events in...
On the 10th of March Lingo Quest - IBSU Language Club held their first introductory meeting in a hybrid format. The club members had the chance of getting to know...
Mrs. Anzelika Smagina, Head of IR department, and Mrs. Marija Lobanova, Head of Student Recruitment and Business Development Department from the University of Transport and Telecommunication Institute (TSI, Latvia) visited...
Sapari's lawyer Tsira Jgerenaia delivered a public lecture to students at the International University of the Black Sea's Faculty of Law. The presentation, which was part of Women's Week, focused...
Training on Violence Against Women was held on March 7 in connection with women's holidays and social responsibility policies. The topics of the training included raising awareness about the most...
The meeting “Melaanian Hispotality” was held for IBSU tourism program students. The creation of the new tourist destinations and Competitive tourism eco products were main topics of the meeting. The...
The meeting "Women in Business - Entrepreneurship and Innovation" was held at IBSU campus. The invited guests of the meeting were Nino Andriadze, Founder of the Companies Smart Nuts, and...
Students from International Integration and Music clubs of International Black Sea University visited home for the elderly. Members of club gave them gifts and flowers.
Students from the "Lingo Quest" and "Music Club" of the International University of the Black Sea visited the "Kera Georgia" mother and children's shelter. On Women's Day, students presented flowers...