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U.S. Embassy Cultural Affairs Officer Mr. Julius Tsai met with the fourth year students of the American Studies Program.

On December 21, within the U.S. Foreign Policy academic course program, U.S. Embassy Cultural Affairs Officer Mr. Julius Tsai met with the fourth year students of the American Studies Program....

“Economic freedom and private property as a guarantor of freedom”

On 20th of December, 2019 ın the Faculty of Business and Technologies, hold a lecture-semınar on a topıc “economic freedom and private property as a guarantor of freedom” the seminar...

Business Plan Competition: Businessman versus Investors

On December 23, 2019 under the framework of the obligatory course of educational program “BUS111 Introduction to Business Administration” the Faculty Business and Technologies organized fourteenth annual “Business Plan Competition:...

Zaneta Kavaliauskiene from Siualia State College (Lithuania) visited Faculty of Business and Technologies.

Siualia State College’s Representative Visit On December 17, 2019 Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene from Siualia State College (Lithuania) visited Faculty of Business and Technologies. Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene introduced to students and...

Workshop for Lecturers

On December 19, 2019 Paul Thompson, EFAA Director and RSF Board Advisory Group Member hold workshop for the lecturers of Faculty of Business and Technologies. The topic title is: THE...

Workshop for Lecturers

On December 19, 2019 Paul Thompson, EFAA Director and RSF Board Advisory Group Member hold workshop for the lecturers of Faculty of Business and Technologies. The topic title is: THE...

The gift from the Council of Europe to the University Library

The Office of the Council of Europe has gifted the Textbook to the University Library Fond of Georgia on "European Law on Personal Data Protection" translated and published in Georgian...

Visits to public and private schools in Tbilisi

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