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14 th International Silk Road Conference on Globalization: Trends and Perspectives

14 th International Silk Road Conference on Globalization: Trends and Perspectives ORGANIZED by International Black Sea University (IBSU) DATES October 11-12, 2019 VENUE Tbilisi, Georgia (Republic of) WEBSITE INTRODUCTION...

14 th International Silk Road Conference

14 th International Silk Road Conference will be organized in Tbilisi, Georgia, October 11-12, 2019. Gathering of top professionals in the fields of Politics, Journalism, Economics, Public Administration, Law, Business,...

კონკურენციის სამართალი

✅სამართლის ფაკულტეტის ორგანიზებით საქართველოს კონკურენციის სააგენტოს კონკურენციის შემზღუდველი შეთანხმებების გამოვლენისა და აღკვეთის სამმართველოს უფროსის გიგა ადამიას საჯარო ლექცია ლექცია გაიმართა თემაზე - კონკურენციის სამართალი. ლექციის ფარგლებში სტუმარმა განიხილა შემდეგი საკითხები:...

Visit at Cambridge University, UK

The researcher of International Black Sea University, faculty of Business Management Dr. Giorgi Kuparadze took part in 2nd Academic International Conference on Economics, Accounting and Finance held in Cambridge University,...

4th International Conference on History, Art, Literature and Culture in South Caucasus and Black Sea Region

4th International Conference on History, Art, Literature and Culture in South Caucasus and Black Sea Region ORGANIZED by International Black Sea University (IBSU) DATES September 27-28, 2019 VENUE Tbilisi, Georgia...

An outgoing lecture on ”Sport and National Identities”

On May 14 an outgoing lecture was held for the International Black Sea University on ''Sport and National Identities'' attended by the students of International Relations. Dinamo Arena hosted the...

Educational visit in Poland

From 17th to 20th May, BM faculty Doctorate and bachelor Students from International Black Sea University with Professors Kakhaber Djakeli and Maka Bugulashvili visited 15th Congress of MBA at Cracow...

Japanese Government has allocated scholarships

We would like to inform you that the Japanese Government has allocated scholarships for Research and Undergraduate Students for the academic year of 2020. Information on the Scholarship is provided...