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7th Annual Students’ Conference

On may 7,2019, the faculty of Education and Humanities has  organised 7th International Students' Conference; The participants were BA and MA students of the faculty; The students had the opportunity...

Tourism Program Coordinator at NIBS Annual Conference in Harbin

Tourism Program Coordinator, Assoc. Professor Tinatin Kublashvili represented International Black Sea university at NIBS Annual Conference in Harbin, China in May 2019. The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is...

9th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature (IRCEELT 2019)

The Faculty of Education and Humanities has organised the 9th International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature in English (IRCEELT 2019) which was held on...

Faculty International Relations Office (IRO) Representative at University of Insubria

Faculty of Business Management International Relations Office (IRO) Representative , Kristina Lazaridi, took participation in the International Practicum Project which is organized by University of Insubria, Varese, Italy on 13-25...

Scholarships by the Japanese Government

The Japanese Government is offering scholarships for research and undergraduate students for the academic year 2020. The documents must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan, the deadline for which...

იაპონიის მთავრობის მიერ სტიპენდიების გაცემა მკვლევარის და საბაკალავრო პროგრამებზე

გვინდა გაცნობოთ, რომ იაპონიის მთავრობა ყოველწლიურად აცხადებს სტიპენდიებს მკვლევარის და საბაკალავრო პროგრამებზე, რომელიც ვრცელდება საქართველოს მოქალაქეებზე, ინფორმაცია 2020 წლის სტიპენდიების შესახებ განთავსებულია ჩვენს ოფიციალურ გვერდზე და ასევე საელჩოს ფეისბუქ გვერდზეც....

Study Trip to Germany

A group of students from faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering went on a study trip to Germany, through a DAAD project. The purpose of the project is to connect...

Timetable for lectures

Please note that you only attend the lecture you wish to.

Masterclass on the topic Country Brand Management and Tourism Summits

On May 7, at 12:00 at International Black Sea Univerisity, invited Professor from Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Clarence Van Der Putte delivered dynamic and interactive 2 hours Masterclass on...