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Natela Doghonadze

Natela Doghonadze E-mail: as an Affiliated  Associate Professor and Head of the Foreign Language Centre Publications 2024;    Interference as a Common  Occurrence in Translating news Articles ( On...

Amiran Kavadze

Amiran Kavadze E-mail: Kavadze is a professor of International Relations at the International Black Sea University. Before his academic career, for many years (1992-2011), he was a leading Georgian...

Dali Osephashvili

Ekaterine  Archvadze E-mail: as an Affiliated  Associate Professor and Head of the Foreign Language Centre Publications 2024;    Interference as a Common  Occurrence in Translating news Articles ( On...

Innovation Centre

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at International Black Sea University fosters the development of innovative and entrepreneurial skills within the university community, focusing on supporting student and graduate initiatives. The...

Language Center

The Foreign Language Center operates as an independent structural unit, and its main objective is to provide foreign language instruction in all relevant educational programs of the university. The center...

IBSU Vice-Rector for Research attended CSS4D project closure event

On January 23rd, 2025 the Project "Computational Social Sciences for Development (CSS4D)" reached a significant milestone with its closure event, held at Tbilisi State University in a hybrid format. This...

IBSU conducted free training course on ‘Art of Negotiation’ for pupils

The International Black Sea University conducted a free training course on the ‘Art of Negotiation’ for pupils. Lecturer of the IBSU International Relations Programs, David Bragvadze introduced negotiation skills, real-life...

Five students of Bachelor of Journalism program won certificates and cash prizes

Five students of the Bachelor of Journalism program at the International Black Sea University won certificates and cash prizes in a closed competition to raise public awareness about vaccination. The...