ამერიკისმცოდნეობის საბაკალავრო, სამაგისტრო და სადოქტორო პროგრამების ხელმძღვანელმა, განათლების და ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის დეკანმა აფილირებულმა პროფესორმა დოქტორმა თამარ შიოშვილმა, ნიუ-იორკში 26 აპრილს წარმოადგინა მოხსენება თემაზე “Popularization of Women’s Studies among the...
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14th International Silk Road Conference will be organized in Tbilisi, Georgia, October 11-12, 2019. This conference brings together top professionals in the fields of Politics, Journalism, Economics, Public Administration, Law, Business,...
Akademia Polonijna is offering academic scholarships for IBSU students. The programmes are Bachelor of Business Administration (3 years) and Master of Business Administration (2 years). The quota is 2 students...
On April 24, Wednesday, a public lecture on Mobile Application Development was delivered by Mindia Chubinidze. The lecture was acclaimed especially by the group of students who are going to Germany...
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Trainer: Gela pataraia Studied at the International Black Sea University on the Computer Technologies and Engineering Faculty and was awarded by the academic degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Informatics....
Trainer: Gela pataraia Studied at the International Black Sea University on the Computer Technologies and Engineering Faculty and was awarded by the academic degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Informatics....