Vacancies!!!!! We are one of the fastest growing custom software outsourcing companies in Georgia. We build middle and large Web and Mobile systems for Georgian and foreign markets for 5...
4th of April, 2019 PAICKT (Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Representatives visited International Black Sea University. Administrative and Academic Staff Members of the Faculty of...
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Faculty of Education and Humanities is organizing 7th Annual Student Conference. BA and MA students will have an opportunity to present the papers dealing with various topics such as Education,...
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On April 10, 2019, the International Black Sea University will host representatives of two partner hotels of the Hospitality Institute. The names of the hotels are: 1. Bauer Korl's Golchner...
Erasmus+ offers internships and exchange programs in Germany. Internship programs are worth 30 credits. The company you will be working for will be determined beforehand and all costs are covered...
the Association ARCI RIETI, is looking for volunteers to join the long-term project European Solidariety Corps "STEP UP FOR SOCIETY" Duration: 1 year - october/november 2019 to october/november 2020 Venue:...
✅ჩვენთვის მნიშვნელოვანია ჩვენი სტუდენტების არა მხოლოდ აკადემიური,არამედ სოციალური აქტივობებით უზრუნველყოფა. სწორედ ამიტომ, სასწავლო პრაქტიკული სამართლის კურსის ფარგლებში სტუდენტები კლინიკის ხელმძღვანელთან ერთად იმყოფებოდნენ მცხეთაში გასვლითი ღონისძიებით და დაათვალიერეს მცხეთაში არსებული ღირსშესანიშნაობები.