The Business Management Faculty organized three-day training for students "Blockchain - the shortest way to master new high-tech professions", led by FOUNDER & CEO of Bitcoin Embassy Alex Sudadze. Within the...
On April 19, Faculty of Business Management organized the Masterclass on the topic: “Generating and Implementing the Business Ideas”. Our guest was Tariel Zivzivadze - the founder of KAR.GE Movement...
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The Business Management Faculty organizes three-day training for students "Blockchain - the shortest way to master new high-tech professions", led by FOUNDER & CEO of Bitcoin Embassy Alex Sudadze. Within...
On April 17, International Black Sea University and British-Georgian Company Minusquare LLC agreed to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of fostering cooperation, mutual understanding and development in...
The survey period is over and we are finally starting with the courses. Please fill out this form if you'd like to take the course IT Essentials and this form...
We had previously announced that the public lecture by Exactpro Systems was postponed. Here's the new date. The lecture is going to be held on May 6th at 16:00 in...
Last Saturday, April 13, a focused group meeting on program development was held in our faculty. The meeting was very beneficial towards the process and is going to be repeated...
Elsa-სა და შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის სამართლის ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტებს შორის, 2019 წლის 12 აპრილს, 11:00 საათზე. კვლევისა და ინოვაციების ჰაბში გაიმართა შეხვედრა. შეხვედრის ფარგლებში სტუდენტებს შესაძლებლობა ჰქონდათ: - მიეღოთ ინფორმაცია...