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General skills

Trainer: Ana Ksovreli Ana is a second-year student (sophomore) of the faculty of Computer technologies and engineering at the International Black Sea University. She studies with 100% funding. Among the...

Electronic Music Production Awarding Ceremony

გუშინ, ელექტრონული მუსიკის პროდუსირების დაჯილდოების ცერემონიალი გაიმართა. ვილი დარბინიანი არის შზსუ-ს მეოთხე კურსის სტუდენტი, ის მუშაობს ვებ-დეველოპერად სტარტაპში. მან ჩაატარა ელექტრონული მუსიკის პროდუსირების საბაზისო კურსი 25 თებერვლიდან 26 მარტამდე. სტუდენტებმა...

EXTENT Talk 2019 by Exactpro Systems in Tech Park Tbilisi

Exactpro is hosting a meeting in Tech Park Tbilisi on April 20, 2019. EXTENT Talks is a meeting place for IT specialists working in various industries and seeking professional growth, practitioners from...

Employers from Germany at IBSU

For the first time, this year, 4 senior year students of tourism bachelor's program will go to the Familien Wellness Hotel Seeklause, near the city of Schwimmer, in Golhen, Germany,...

Free Cisco Networking Academy Courses!

We are offering free courses on Cisco's Networking Academy.  Once you successfully complete a course on Cisco's Networking Academy, you are awarded a certificate of completion that will go a...

Social Sciences for Beginners

On 6-7th of April in International black Sea University was held the project ,,Social Sciences for Beginners”. More than 200 students from different cities participated in this project. The aim...

Graphic Design

Trainer: Nurazim Zhakibaev A sophomore student of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering.Has been participating in various developing projects including CERN public lectures and research in 2017. Course aim:  Our course...

General English

Course Description: Course that covers basics of English Grammar including role-play, brainstorming, and competitions among students that altogether increases children’s vocabulary and eradicated the fear of speaking in public. At...