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Web Programming

Trainer: Giorgi Injgia A sophomore student of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering. Works as assistant at Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University....

Introduction To Programming_2019

Trainer: Emzar Elizbarashvili A sophomore student of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering.Has been participating in various developing projects including CERN public lectures and research in 2017. Trainer: Vazha...

პროგრესია აკრედიტაციის შესახებ || Progression on Re-accreditation

კომპიუტერული ტექნოლოგიებისა და საინჟინრო ფაკულტეტი 2020 წლის იანვარში არქიტექტურის გარდა ყველა პროგრამას ხელახლა აკრედიტაციის აპირებს . პროცესები უკვე მიმდინარეობს. 4 აპრილს სასწავლო პროცესის პირველი შეხვედრა გაიმართა ასოცირებულ ლექტორებთან. The faculty...

Game Development

Trainer:  Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Course aim:  Getting familiar with the...


Trainer: Affiliated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giorgi Tsanatskenishvili Architecture Program Coordinator He is a doctor of architecture. Course aim:  The aim of the course is to introduce architecture to the future generation....


Vacancies!!!!! We are one of the fastest growing custom software outsourcing companies in Georgia. We build middle and large Web and Mobile systems for Georgian and foreign markets for 5...

PAICKT Representatives visit at IBSU

4th of April, 2019 PAICKT (Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Representatives visited International Black Sea University. Administrative and Academic Staff Members of the Faculty of...

7th Annual Student Conference

Faculty of Education and Humanities is organizing 7th Annual Student Conference. BA and MA students will have an opportunity to present the papers dealing with various topics such as Education,...