IBSU, SRDI and Bridge Innovation and Development proudly presents: Heart of Georgia to the World Hackathon coming up on February 22, 2019. Heart of Georgia is an exclusive 36 hour...
On January 18th at 2 pm, the Black Sea University is an open door day. To register, visit: https://goo.gl/5oxpb8
External Mobility has been announced. Terms and stages of mobility Terms and stages of mobility Terms related to the administration of 2018-2019 spring semester mobility process The first stage: 1 Term...
January 14.2019 – January 18.2019 – Registration of Internal Mobility applications on faculties.
January 14.2019 - January 18.2019 - Registration of Internal Mobility applications on faculties.
External Mobility has been announced. Terms and stages of mobility Terms and stages of mobility Terms related to the administration of 2018-2019 spring semester mobility process The first stage: 1 Term...
2019 წლის 10 იანვარს GIPA-ს ინიციატივით გაფორმდა ურთიერთთანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი, ააიპ „საქართველოს საზოგადოებრივ საქმეთა ინსტიტუტს (GIPA)“, შპს „შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტს”, შპს „კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტსა“ და შპს „აღმოსავლეთ ევროპის უნივერსიტეტს“ შორის. www.netgazeti.ge...
Trainer: Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Workshop aim: Getting familiar with the...
Trainer: Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Workshop aim: Today Web Programming is...