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,,Heart of Georgia”- Hackathon

IBSU, SRDI and Bridge Innovation and Development proudly presents: Heart of Georgia to the World Hackathon coming up on February 22, 2019. Heart of Georgia is an exclusive 36 hour...

Open door day in IBSU

On January 18th at 2 pm, the Black Sea University is an open door day. To register, visit:

External Mobility

External Mobility has been announced. Terms and stages of mobility Terms and stages of mobility Terms related to the administration of 2018-2019 spring semester mobility process The first stage: 1 Term...

Internal Mobility

January 14.2019  – January 18.2019 –  Registration of Internal Mobility applications on faculties.

Internal Mobility in IBSU

January 14.2019  - January 18.2019 -  Registration of Internal Mobility applications on faculties.

External Mobility in International Black Sea University

External Mobility has been announced. Terms and stages of mobility Terms and stages of mobility Terms related to the administration of 2018-2019 spring semester mobility process The first stage: 1 Term...

საქართველოს 4 უნივერსიტეტი შრომის ბაზრის ერთობლივ კვლევას ჩაატარებს

2019 წლის 10 იანვარს GIPA-ს ინიციატივით გაფორმდა ურთიერთთანამშრომლობის მემორანდუმი,  ააიპ „საქართველოს საზოგადოებრივ საქმეთა ინსტიტუტს (GIPA)“, შპს „შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტს”, შპს „კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტსა“ და შპს „აღმოსავლეთ ევროპის უნივერსიტეტს“ შორის.

CTE Winter School 2019_Making a 2D platformer using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript

Trainer: Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Workshop aim:  Getting familiar with the...

CTE Winter School 2019_Introduction to Web Development

Trainer: Giorgi Shavoshvili A Junior student with 100% scholarship, currently works as a Java Software Development Intern and has a Freelance Web Development background. Workshop aim:  Today Web Programming is...