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“X Game” Project

On Friday, 16th of November, at the International Black Sea University, Faculty of Social Sciences, an educational and intellectual game “X Game” was organized and initiated by students of university....

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Informative Meeting of the Faculty with the Students of International Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences organizes the Informative Meeting with the students of the bachelor educational program of International Relations, Georgian Sector. Date: November 22, 2018 Time: 11:00 Place: A101 The...

Meeting with Journalism program students

FSS members met with the Journalism BA program students on November 12. The initiative is aimed at enhancing the information sharing process between the administration and the students. The Faculty...

Meeting with Public Administration and State Governance Students

FSS members met with the Public Administration and State Governance students on November 8. The initiative aims at enhancing the information sharing process between the administration and the students. The...

Meeting with Economics program students

FSS members met with the Economics BA program students on November 13. The initiative aims at enhancing the information sharing process between the administration and the students. The Faculty Dean,...

„გაიღე სისხლი სიცოცხლის გადასარჩენად“

„გაიღე სისხლი სიცოცხლის გადასარჩენად“ სამშაბათს, 27 ნოემბერს, შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში სისხლის დონაციის დღეა. 1000 – 1400 საათამდე გაიმართება საქველმოქმედო აქცია ლეიკემიით დაავადებულ ბავშვთა დასახმარებლად, რომლებიც მკურნალობის კურსს გადიან მ.იაშვილის სახელობის ბავშვთა...

Giorgi Goguadze Delivered the Public Lecture on “Terrorism in the Caucasus and Other Security Challenges”

The lecture series “Caucasus in Focus: The Region Analysis in Interdisciplinary Lenses” initiated by the International Relations program of the Faculty of Social Sciences is hosting further lectures. The meeting...