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Faculty of Social Sciences announces applications for exchange programs in the following Universities: 1) Krakow University ( Poland) - Deadline November 9 2) Siauliu University (Lithuania) - Deadline November 1...
The project "Social Sciences for Beginners", formerly known as "Economics for Beginners," is functioning from the spring semester of 2017-2018, initiated by students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, International...
Invited Professor from Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Clarence Van Der Putte delivered dynamic and interactive course on the topic - “Hospitality and Soft Skills”, on October 25; The following...
Invited Professor from Amsterdam University of Applied Science, Clarence Van Der Putte delivered dynamic and interactive course on the topic - “Organizational Management and Soft Skills”, on October 22; The...
სამართლის ფაკულტეტის საბაკალავრო პროგრამის მეორე კურსის ორგანიზებით, პროფესიული ინგლისურის ფარგლებში, იმიტირებული სასამართლო პროცესი გაიმართა „ლინდბერგის“ ცნობილ საქმესთან დაკავშირებით. სტუდენტებმა ოსტატურად წარმოაჩინეს, როგორც დაცვის ისე ბრალდების არგუმენტები და პრაქტიკულად გამოიყენეს ის...
Dear Students, Join the Public Talk “The Importance of Enterprise for Georgia” by well-acknowledged British entrepreneur, businessman, Philanthropist and Author Stephen Fear, Founder of Fear Group, on 15 October, 2018...
On October 12, 2018 FSS awarded the winners of the fifth and sixth stages of Students’ Ranking System. Tamar Tchanturia, sophomore student of the English BA program in Economics and...
On October 10, 2018 faculty of Business Management held an Exchange Program Orientation Meeting. Students had an opportunity to receive detailed information regarding participation in Exchange Program.