On April 28, Hackathon with Raspberry Pi was held at the International Black Sea University in the fraework of DAAD project. Students from IBSU and GTU participated in the hackathon....
American attorney's - Roger Hiatt's course has finished on the 25th of April. Roger Hiatt had been visiting International Black Sea University for 2 weeks. The lecture was planned for...
26 აპრილიდან 4 მაისის ჩათვლით DAAD-ისა და Erasmus+-ის წარმომაგენლები პროექტის "ყირგიზეთსა და საქართველოში პრაქტიკაზე ორიენტირებული სწავლის გავრცელება" ფარგლებში გეგმავენ ვიზიტს საქართველოში. ვიზიტის განმავლობაში ჩატარდება შემდეგი ღონისძიებები სტუდენტებისა და პროფესორებისათვის: ცვიკაუს...
The Faculty of Education and Humanities is organizing the 8th International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature in English (IRCEELT 2018) which is held on...
IBSU announces exchange opportunity for Law Faculty students, to Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania. Requirements: Please not, IBSU requirements are different from Host university requirements. For the interviews, this is...
Delegation of the European Union to Georgia - in partnership with the embassies of the EU Member States - is organising an outdoor information and entertainment “Europe Day 2018” event,...
On April 19, from 10:00 am to 12:00 am, at A101 (A building, 1st floor) Mr. Agha Khalid will deliver the training on "Career Management - its Tips and Techniques"....
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Amsterdam University Applied Sciences (AUAS) Summer School 2018: Open for Application! July 2-July 13, 2018 IBSU Institutional Deadline: APRIL 25, 2018! Required Documents: 1. IBSU info application https://goo.gl/forms/vx0zGyqBAl6ObeU32 2. Motivation Letter (500-600...