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“Mediation – as a type of ADR”

Law Faculty of International Black Sea University organized an event "Madiation - as a form of ADR". The session was delivered by Nino Katamadze and Sophio Ugrekhelidze. The purpose of...

Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science. This Global Project is organized by non-profit organization  Event...

Architecture_Workshop & Competition

Don't miss this opportunity! For registration click the following link: For further questions contact us via Good Luck!


Lingwing is pleased to announce vacancies for the positions of front-end (angular.js) and back-end (node.js, mongodb) developers. Lingwing uses a non-traditional and nonstandard way to choose candidates for different positions,...

Open Door!

On 20th of April, at 15:00, the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering of the International Black Sea University is inviting you to an open-door session of Master and Phd...

ბულგარეთის ელჩის ლექცია შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში

შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტს ბულგარეთის ელჩი დესისლავა ივანოვა ეწვია. ელჩს სამართლის პროგრამისა და საჯარო ადმინისტრირებისა და სახელმწიფო მმართველობის პროგრამის სტუდენტები შეხვდნენ. განიხილეს ისეთი მნიშვნელოვანი საკითხები, როგორიცაა: ევროინტეგრაცია, საქართველოში არსებული გამოწვევები...

Orientation Meeting with Senior Year Students of the Faculty of Business Management about the Internships

In the spring semester of 2017-2018 academic year the meeting was held with the senior year students of the Bachelor educational programs about compulsory study component, Internship. Meeting aimed at...