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Naila Agajanova’s photo exhibition – Nailia

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Seminar – Research in English Language Teaching and Applied Ling…

Research in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics • Program Application The Research in English Language Teaching (ELT) and Applied Linguistics program (AL) is a 5-day, 15-hour program for mid-career...

Academic Writing Seminar for IBSU Lecturers

On March 22, 2018, English Language Fellow Kevin Hirschi led an Academic Writing Summit at International Black Sea University (ISBU). The event brought more than 30 lecturers, administrators and graduate...

(INTERC-18) 2nd International Young Researchers Conference (23.06.2018)

Conference Web site On June 23, 2018 International Black Sea University will host the 2nd International Young Researchers Conference. Young researchers, graduate / postgraduate, and post doctorate students are invited from Georgia and...

ვიზიტი ერგნეთის ომის მუზეუმში

2018 წლის 19 მარტს შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების პროგრამის სტუდენტები და ადმინისტრაციული პერსონალი ომის მუზეუმს ეწვივნენ, რომელიც ოკუპირებული ცხინვალიდან 500 მეტრით დაშორებულ სოფელ ერგნეთში მდებარეობს. ომის მუზეუმი ერგნეთის...

Standards of Academic Writing

On the 16th of March the event "Standards of Academic Writing" was held by Irakli Kiknadze. The purpose of the project was to promote "IBSU-pedia" and develop students' academic writing...

Meeting with Guram Sherozia

On March 19 the Faculty of Business Management organized the meeting with Guram Sherozi - Sales/Marketing consultant at MCI Group Georgia, talk show host and invited lecturer at International Black...