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Google HashCode

On March 1, the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering of the International Black Sea University hosted International competition in programming - Google HashCode. Participants of the competition were students...

Meeting with focus groups Journalism Seniors

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On November 22, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences,...

Meeting with focus groups Journalism Juniors

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On November 22, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences,...

Meeting with focus groups Public Administration and State Governance Senior

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On November 21, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences,...

Meeting with focus groups Public Administration and State Governance Junior

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On November 21, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences,...

Meeting with focus groups International Relations Bachelor

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On December 20, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences...

Meeting with focus groups International Relations and Politics Master

Quality Assurance Department’s Continues Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences! On November 27, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social...

Meeting with focus groups Economics

Quality Assurance Department’s Consultation Meetings with Students of  the Faculty of Social Sciences On November 28, 2017, the representative of the Quality Assurance Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences...

Faculty of Education & Humanities Freshmen Parents Meetings

On November 28, 2014 the meeting was held between the parents of the IBSU Education & Humanities Faculty, American Studies and English Philology department students and the administration and the...