Business Management Faculty of International Black Sea University held the annual project “My Business Key” from February 17 to February 19. The goals of the project were to share experience...
Purpose of the Program The Bachelor of academic program in Informatics is designed to give a student a strong background in the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and computer engineering and...
At 24 february, Winter Olympiad at informatic for school students was hosted by International Black Sea University. Orginizers were International Black Sea University and The association of teaching informational technologies...
Attention! The first stage of Students’ Ranking System (SRS) is now completed! We welcome first scholarship owner of Spring Semester, 2018 academic year! Top 3 students of SRS, 2018...
Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering - IBSU
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უნივერსიტეტის ინფორმაციით, ამ სემესტრში უნივერსიტეტმა 70-მდე ღონისძიება გამართა - საჯარო ლექციები, უცხოეთიდან მოწვეული პროფესორების ვორქშოპები და ტრენინგები, ორი საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია, ახალი საერთაშორისო პერტნიორები, ელჩების ვიზიტები, დასაქმების ფორუმი, ზამთრის სკოლები, 30-ზე...
American English Webinar “Ideas for Subtle Corrections during Speaking Tasks” As a part of the American English Webinar series for teachers, IBSU provided a viewing session for webinar 7.2. Future...
On September 12, 2017 a meeting with PhD program of Education Sciences professors took place. The goal was ongoing work on improvement of the program. The issues discussed involved the...