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National Narratives and Memory Formation Process in Former Communist Bloc Countries

MA program in International Relations and Politics at the International Black Sea University in cooperation with the MA program in Nationalism and Ethnicity Studies at Tbilisi State University launching an...

Project “Success Guide: Freedom Lessons Series” continues

Project "Success Guide: Freedom Lessons Series" continues. On November 15, the sixth lecture was held within the framework of the project at International Black Sea University. Speaker Zviad Barkia talked...

Meeting with International Expert in Tourism and Branding

On November 21, at 13:00 Business Management Faculty of IBSU hosted International Expert in Tourism and Branding, Mrs. Anastasia Petrenko. She shared with students her experience, world standards, contemporary approaches...

Wine Tour in Kakheti

On November 18, wine tour was organized to the wine company "Shumi" by Business Club. During the visit, students had a chance to look through wine yards and to get...

Meeting with the Alumni of Faculty of Business Management

On the 16 th of November Faculty of Business Management held a meeting with bachelor program graduates of the faculty. Meeting aimed at introducing a new bachelor education program in...

The Dean Dr Ramazan Akbash Met with the Assoc. Prof. Fernando Casal-Bertoa of the Faculty of Social Sciences from the University of Nottingham

On 14 November 2017 the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Dr Ramazam Akhash met with the Assoc. Prof. Fernando Casal-Bertoa from the Faculty of Social Sciences, School of...

Nino Chelidze Met with the Students and Professors at the International Black Sea University

On Thursday, 14 November, the Rector of the International Black Sea University Prof. Dr Ilyas Ciloglu hosted Ms Nino Chelidze, the Head of the Centre for International Education, LEPL Ministry...

Tatia Dolidze Delivered the Public Lecture at IBSU

Tatia Dolidze delivered the public lecture upon the Student Initiative project. The topic for discussion was " Techniques for successful Speech and Diplomacy". Invited Speaker stressed on important issues such as:...

Meeting with BOB participants

On 8th of November BM Faculty hosted a meeting with participants of BOB, who became students of IBSU. Meeting was full of emotions and expactations. Advices were also given to...