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David Solomonia’s Public Lecture on “Decision-making in the Process of Visa Liberalization”

On March 24 the Director of European Integration Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. David Solomonia delivered the public lecture on “Decision-making in the Process of Visa Liberalization”....

Another Professional Visit at Tbilisi Municipality City Hall

Another professional visit was organized by Public Administration and State Governance Program. The students visited renewed Citizen’s Service Center Tbilisi Municipality City Hall. They got the information about existing system,...

The students of Public Administration and State Governance BA Program Visited Tbilisi Municipality City Hall

The students of Public Administration and State Governance BA program visited renewed Citizen’s Service Center Tbilisi Municipality City Hall. They got the information about existing system, through which the citizens...

ევროპეიზაცია საქართველოში: პოლიტიკური, სოციალური და კულტურული განზომილებები

14 მარტს დაიწყო სოციალურ მეცნიერებათა ცენტრის სემინარების სერია თემაზე„ევროპეიზაცია საქართველოში: პოლიტიკური, სოციალური და კულტურული განზომილებები“. სემინარების სერია ხორციელდება ცენტრის პროექტის „საქართველოს ევროპეიზაციის შესახებ ცნობიერების ამაღლება აკადემიურ სივრცეში“ ფარგლებში Erasmus+ Jean...

Economic Debates

On March13-14, 2017 "Young Economists’Club" organized Economic Debates. On the first day training in Britich Parliamentary Debates was held which was folloewd by thelecture on economic issues. On the second...

Presentation of IBSU NEWS

On March 10, 2017 IBSU NEWS presentation was held. The sophomore students of the Journalism BA Program published the newspaper under supervision of invited lecturer of FSS Mr. Malkhaz Gagua....

FSS Members Met with the Public Administration and State Governance BA Program Students

Upon the initiative of the Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences the members of the faculty met with the Public Administration and State Governance BA Program students....

Political-Economic Principles of Local Governance – Mr. David Narmania Delivered the Public Lecture at FSS

On February 28, 2017 the Mayor of Tbilisi Mr. David Narmania delivered the Public Lecture on Political-Economic Principles of Local Governance. In the framework of the lecture the guest talked...