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Welcome Party 2024

International Black Sea University hosted the Welcome Party 2024 to celebrate freshmen's accomplishments. The Georgian band "Gamouvali Mdgomareoba" and a DJ provided a memorable evening of music, a vibrant atmosphere,...

IBSU Library hosts database training for academic staff

The International Black Sea University (IBSU) Library organized a comprehensive training session for academic personnel on accessing and utilizing all available library databases. The training was conducted by Marika Zhorzholiani,...

Italian professor Andreas Sitorengo conducted workshops for IBSU students

Andreas Sitorengo, Assistant Professor of Sculpture at the University of West Attica’s Department of Interior Architecture delivered workshops and training for the International Black Sea University students. The Italian professor...

IBSU hosts University of West Attica’s professor

Andreas Sitorengo, Assistant Professor of Sculpture at the University of West Attica's Department of Interior Architecture, is visiting International Black Sea University for a week.   The IBSU International Relations...

IBSU library held orientation meeting for freshmen

The IBSU library held an orientation meeting for freshmen, aiming to familiarize them with the services and resources that will help them conduct their academic activities effectively. Students were provided with information...

IBSU hosts University of West Attica’s professor

Andreas Sitorengo, Assistant Professor of Sculpture at the University of West Attica's Department of Interior Architecture, is visiting International Black Sea University for a week.   The IBSU International Relations...

IBSU hosts University of West Attica’s professor

Andreas Sitorengo, Assistant Professor of Sculpture at the University of West Attica's Department of Interior Architecture, is visiting International Black Sea University for a week.   The IBSU International Relations...

IBSU Student Life Forum 2024

International Black Sea University (IBSU) hosted the 2024 'Student Life Forum' with over 30 student clubs and associations in attendance. Along with student clubs and associations, the forum featured university services that...

VIRTUALLYEDU hosted first round of student exchanges

The Erasmus+ virtual exchange program VIRTUALLYEDU hosted the first round of student exchanges, where participants shared their knowledge and enriched their awareness on a variety of modules, such as Multi Literacy...