The project is designed for 11th and 12th-grade students interested in the field of law and eager to gain practical experience in courtroom proceedings. Project Objective: To introduce participants to...
3D graphics (Blender) ტრენერი: გიორგი მაღლაკელიძე შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის კომპიუტერული მეცნიერების მე-2 კურსის წარმატებული სტუდენტი და წინა წლის ამავე პროექტის მონაწილე. კურსის მიზანი: კურსი შეგასწავლით 3D სივრცეში მუშაობას (Blender-ის...
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School Educational Program Awarded Qualification Next accreditation Duration BACHELOR`s Business Business Administration (English) Bachelor of Business Administration For the Duration of the Cluster 3 Years Business Accounting and Audit (English)...
Limited liability company – International Black Sea University, a legal entity under private law, was founded and started functioning on August 31, 1995, based on license No. 01-17-08/1277 of the...
The Quality Assurance Office of Ltd International Black Sea University is an independent structural unit which fulfills its functions in accordance with the regulations of the Quality Assurance Office, internal...
The university publishes Georgian and English-language scholarly international journals in various fields of science annually. The editorial boards of journals are staffed by specialists and researchers recognized at the international...