International Black Sea University (IBSU) organized a Public Speaking Championship for high school students as part of their free educational initiative. Students from grades 10-12 received training in effective public...
International Black Sea University (IBSU) hosted a scientific event titled "Science and Society" marking World Science Day for Peace and Development on November 10th. The event aimed to highlight recent scientific advancements,...
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International Black Sea University held a training for the academic and invited personnel on Future-Ready Learning: Creative Syllabus Design and Interactive Teaching Methods, led by Ekaterine Pipia, Head of Education...
Dr. Maia Chkotua, Head of the Bachelor's Program in English Philology and Affiliated Professor at the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences at International Black Sea University, visited the...
Dr. Irma Mesiridze, an Affiliated Associate Professor at the School of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences at International Black Sea University, recently visited Mazovian University in Poland as part of...
Halloween Party 2024 was organized by IBSU student union Backstage Sponsors of the event: Red Bull, Rustaveli National Theatre, Zellatos, Red, sis_sisiko, Zip-Line Georgia , Gino Paradise, Aversi, Hamo , HANNA Jewelry, Beauty...
დარა აჰმედი Email:ბიზნესის სკოლის ადმინისტრაციული დირექტორი; საბუღალტრო აღრიცხვისა და აუდიტის საბაკალავრო პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელირჩეული პუბლიკაციები: უძველესი კოსმოლოგიური კონცეპტები და არქაული რელიგიური სიმბოლოები ქართველთა კულტურულ მეხსიერებაში, ილიას სახ. უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა, 2017. სიმბოლო...
Mariam Razmadze, Dean of the School of Computer Science and Architecture, hosted the second meeting of the "Coffee and Tea with the Dean" with students from the University of Applied Sciences...