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‘Mock Trial’ training for pupils

The IBSU senior students of the Law bachelor program held a Mock Trial training session for 11th and 12th graders. During the free training, students practised acting as attorneys, prosecutors,...

12th Georgian Winter School Olympiad ended

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Prof. Dr. Tom Schaal delivered lecture for IBSU Medicine School students

Within the Erasmus+ Exchange, the IBSU IR Department hosted Prof. Dr. Tom Schaal, Dean and Chair of Healthcare Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau (WHZ). During the...

Advisor to Rector participated in Erasmus+ International Week and European Entrepreneurship Forum

Davit Tsiramua, Advisor to the Rector and Head of the Department of Student and Alumni Development at the International Black Sea University (IBSU), participated in the Erasmus+ International Week and...

XII Winter Olympiad in Informatics: Trial and Main Rounds

This news is available in the Georgian language.

IBSU marketers visit Akhaltsikhe schools

IBSU marketers and the Head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department, Tamar Shoshiashvili, paid visits to Akhaltsikhe Public Schools #1, #5, #6, and Vale Public School #2. IBSU representatives...

IBSU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with new partner universities

International Black Sea University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with new partner universities: Mediterranean Institute of Management 🇨🇾 Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Vittoria 🇮🇹 STEKOM University 🇮🇩 The...

IBSU held training ‘Basics of Business’ for pupils

The International Black Sea University conducted a free training course for pupils - 'Basics of Business'. During the training, pupils were introduced to various areas of business, including marketing, management, accounting,...

IBSU held free training ‘American Studies for Pupils’

International Black Sea University conducted a free training course, 'American Studies,' for 10th, 11th and 12th graders. Pupils learned about American politics, culture, history and unique facts. Training participants were awarded...