Meet IBSU student Kristina Chirkova who studied at Universidad Internacional de Canarias as part of an exchange program. "Taking part in the student exchange program was an unexpected adventure for...
Admission to Black Sea International University is based on the results of unified national exams. For enrollment in the university, it is important to give the Black Sea International University...
სათაური ავტორი თანაავტორები ენა გამოცემის თარიღი გამოცემის ადგილი კლასიფიკაცია Visual C#.NET რომან სამხარაძე GEO თბილისი Visual C++/NET რომან სამხარაძე GEO თბილისი 004.42 ს-24 პროექტის მენეჯმენტის საფუძვლები მ. სულაბერიძე GEO 2008...
Most of the scientific research journals presented in electronic databases have the Thomson Reuters and Scopus citation index. Scientific bases can be accessed both from the university territory and outside...
1. Terms of Use Taking books outside or in the hall is only possible for IBSU students and academic or administrative staff. To do this, contact the librarian or fill...
International Black Sea University (IBSU) held a British parliamentary-style debate for pupils with eight public school teams participating. Irakli Shamatava, Dean of the School of Law and State Governance presented...
1. Library Regulations This regulation was developed in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Library Affairs, the General Scheme of the Georgian National Library and the university’s internal standard....
The International Black Sea University’s Library is an educational unit that provides bachelor, masters, doctoral students and academic staff with all types of print and electronic resources. The library has...
Bachelor's Programs Georgian-taught English-taught Medical Program English-taught