Program Description The internationally accredited double degree Master’s Program “Management and Information Technologies” offers unique opportunities for future Master’s Students. This educational program has been established as a result of...
Purpose of the Program The purpose of the English-language Computer Science Master program is to raise highly qualified, locally and internationally competitive specialists who are compliant with industry-required standards. The...
Program Description The pivotal purpose of the program is to equip graduates with a multifaceted skill set: a profound understanding and practical application of education theories for problem-solving, effective communication...
Program Description American Studies, the only English program in Georgia, is a multidisciplinary academic doctoral program designed to explore the U.S. from different angles through concentration on courses: XX Century...
Short description of the program The master’s program is designed for individuals of any specialty who want to study the field of digital media production and communication in depth. The...
Program Description The only English U.S. foreign affairs master program is the continuation of the Bachelor American Studies multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary program opened first time in Georgia at the International...
Program Description The purposes of the program are: to provide students with contemporary knowledge of education administration and to prepare qualified specialists in education administration who are able to be...
Program Description The purposes of the program are: to provide students with contemporary knowledge of education administration and to prepare qualified specialists in education administration who are able to be...
Program Description MA in International Relations is an English language program offering a vibrant atmosphere for learning to a limited number of students. Because of the small classes and qualified...