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University College of Enterprise and Administration announced mobility opportunity 

University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Poland) announced the Erasmus+ exchange mobility opportunity. Eligible Students: School of business and school of computer science and architecture Spring Semester: Mid February-June/July Deadline: 29.11.2023 Contact:...

IBSU, Universidad Internacional de Canarias announce call for Erasmus+ Exchange Program

International Black Sea University (IBSU) and Universidad Internacional de Canarias (UNAM) have announced a call for an Erasmus+ Exchange Program and internship. The application is open for English Philology BA students. Deadline: 29...

74th public school pupils visited IBSU

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IBSU visits Vekua Public School

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Kids from #208 Kindergarten visit IBSU

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IBSU hosts sports commentator

Organized by the journalism BA program, the sports commentator and producer Sandro Tsnobiladze visited the International Black Sea University. At the interactive meeting, Sandro Tsnobiladze answered the students' questions.