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Mediators Association Chairman delivers public lecture

The International Black Sea University hosted a public lecture by Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia on the topic "The role of mediation in the process...

Internet of Things IOT

The book Internet of Things (IoT) elaborates on many interesting projects, including: an IoT-based door lock, an irrigation system, publishing sensor data to a LAMP server, using GPS to implement specific...

კვლევითი მეთოდები ამერიკისმცოდნეობაში

სახელმძღვანელოს მიზანია სტუდენტებს მიაწოდოს კვლევისა და დისერტაციის წერის საბაზისო უნარები, გააცნოს მათ სხვადასხვა ტიპის კვლევები და კვლევის მეთოდები ამერიკისმცოდნეობის სფეროში. ავტორი: ირინა ბახტაძე ISBN: 978-9941-27-332-2 გამოცემის წელი: 2017 გამომცემელი: შპს...

Founder of Georgian Turkology: Sergi Cikia

The book is about founder of Georgian Turkology: Sergi Cikia. It consists the information about Sergi Cikia’s biography, works and literature about him. Compiled by: Ia Duduchava Translated by:Ilyas Ustunyer ISBN:...

Conflict and Negotiations

The book Conflict and Negotiations briefly and specifically tells the reader regarding conflict resolution and negotiations. The book is intended for students, specialists of International Relations and a wide range of community....

Consumer Law

Young civil law researchers offer systemized textbook of consumer law to readers, interested in law, among them, students. The book envisages almost all the basic issues in the field. The...

Administrative Law of Georgia

The book concerns on basic issues of the General, Private and Special parts of the administrative law. The book is intended for students and people interested in administrative law. Author:...

Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette

The book briefly and specifically tells the reader regarding some rules and generally recognized norms of behavior in society. The book is intended for diplomats, specialists of International Relations and...

Administrative Law of Georgia

The book concerns on basic issues of the General, Private and Special parts of the administrative law. The book is intended for students and people interested in administrative law. Author:...