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IBSU hosted Kansas State University students

IBSU hosted a group of students from Kansas State University (KSU) as part of intercultural cooperation. During their three-week stay, students participated in a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities,...

IBSU hosted official launch of student magazine VITASCOPE

IBSU hosted the official launch of the student magazine 'VITASCOPE,' operating under the English Philology, B.A. program. Topics covered in the first issue entail Education and Linguistics, Literature and literary theory, history and...

IBSU hosted official launch of student magazine VITASCOPE

IBSU hosted the official launch of the student magazine 'VITASCOPE,' operating under the English Philology, B.A. program. Topics covered in the first issue entail Education and Linguistics, Literature and literary theory, history and...

Picnic on the Armazi Valley

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IBSU held Master’s Open Day

IBSU held Master's Open Day at the Courtyard Marriott. The Heads of IBSU Master's Programs briefed the interested persons about the goals, objectives, and admission procedures. IBSU offers the following MA...

IBSU hosted award ceremony for Digital School participants

IBSU hosted the award ceremony for Digital School participants. X - XI - XII graders studied the basics of Web Development (html5, css3) and 3D graphics (Blender) and presented their works....