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  • 05/04/2017

Social Sciences for Schoolchildren

Project “Social Sciences for Schoolchildren” is the set of educational and entertaining events about various fields of Social Sciences. Project is conducted twice in a year – winter session and summer session.

Winter Games in Social Sciences

Project lasts for 4 days and includes Role games, Intellectual-strategic activities, simulation events and study projects in Economics, International relations, Public Administration and State Governance and Journalism for the pupils of 12th class. The content of the games change every year. They can be individual or in teams. The winner pupil(s) in each field are awarded with the 100 GEL present cards of different bookstores by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Registered participants can take part in one or more game(s) the sphere of which is particularly interesting for them.

Summer School for Social Sciences  

Summer School for Social Sciences is short run educational project for the pupils of 11th grade. They should be interested with the following fields: Economics, International relations, Public Administration and State Governance and Journalism. School lasts for 5 days and includes professional games, meetings with the lecturers and other educational activities. Participants are awarded with the certificates and 100 GEL present cards of different bookstores by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Project aims to provide an interesting platform for the pupils to determine their interests and choose the future profession.