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Nisan Iosebashvili a Master degree student at School of Computer Science and Architecture, Participated in The Erasmus+ Exchange Program of The HTW Dresden

Hello, I’m Nisan Iosebashvili, a second-year master’s student in the computer science program at IBSU. I received my bachelor’s degree at Royal Holloway University in Great Britain, where I spent three wonderful years. I got great experience in various fields of computer science. After three years of living abroad, I wanted to continue my studies in Georgia and at the same time, I would help my family’s business with my knowledge. I have created a program that ensures the inspection of invoices in our company and makes statistics of the work of each distributor of the company. This helped us analyze the activities of the distributors.

Combining work and studies was not easy. University lecturers have always supported my and other students’ strong desire to learn. I would single out Professor Mikhail Malafievsky, who taught us several subjects and did his best to provide us with enormous knowledge.

Why did I choose IBSU? Because it was the only English-language CompSci degree program here, and the university itself had a high ranking.

In October, I am going to Dresden, where I will study for one semester at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW). A few months ago, the co-head of our program at IBSU, Mari Razmadze, called me and told me that the University of Dresden would finance my master’s studies for 4 months and that I should go to Germany. I was very happy that IBSU chose me. I have already spoken to Professor Mario Neigebauer, who is a professor at the University of Dresden and will be my curator. I realized that this person has a lot of experience in industrial projects and programs. He has already shared his experience with me regarding one technical issue.

I expect that this exchange program will give me enough theoretical and practical knowledge that I will successfully use in my future projects.”