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Quality Assurance Office


Head of Quality Assurance Office

Dr. Nino Jojua, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Quality Assurance Manager : Dr. Tamar Karazanishvili 

Quality Assurance Office at International Black Sea University is oriented to provide high quality education based on academic freedom and democratic principles as well as support students to get prepared for the future career, develop personally and be the active citizens of the democratic society.

The office aims to provide relevant measures for permanent development of the quality of educational and scientific-research processes, permanently support professional development of academic personnel and ensure the implementation and development of contemporary teaching, learning and assessment methods. The office conducts institutional research.

The Quality Assurance Office implements “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle approach to realize the predetermined goals.

Quality culture is considered as a system of shared values, beliefs and the norms, that are based on students’ interests and permanently develops education quality, research and institutional services. Quality culture ensures the development of the management style, decision-making, organizational structure, working process and organizational planning.