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On Monday May 11th at 13:00 in Conference Hall of IBSU the students and professors of American Studies and English Philology Departments had an exciting opportunity to share a speaker – the best-selling American Mystery novelist Donna Leon (https://www.donaleon.et), who

The Fifth International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literatures in English was held on May 1-2 at the Faculty of Education and Humanities. It was opened by the chair of the conference, IBSU Vice rector Prof.,

Debate was held on 24th of April. Freshmen, sophomore and Junior students participated in the debate on the following topic: “Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.” There were four groups. Two affirmative and two

On April 17, 2015 by the initiative of Department of American Studies of the Faculty of Education and Humanities the meeting   was held with the Professor of American Studies Department, at present the Ambassador of Georgia to peoples’ Republic of

International Black Sea University is participating in EU funded project – Tempus MAHATMA (Master in Higher Education Management: Developing Leaders for Managing Educational Transformation). The project has been in progress since 2012 and is at its final stage. To ensure

ყოველ თებერვალს ამერიკის შეერთებულ შტატებში აღნიშნავენ აფრო-ამერიკული ისტორიის თვეს რათა წარმოაჩინონ, თუ რა დიდ მნიშვნელობას ანიჭებენ ამერიკელები ეთნიკურ მრავალფეროვნებას. ამერიკის საელჩოში 2015 წლის 19 თებერვალს საზოგადოებასთან ურთიერთობის დეპარტმანეტმა მოიწვია ოსური, უკრაინული, რუსული, სომეხი ეთნიკური ჯგუფების წარმომადგენლები და ქართველი სტუდენტები მრგვალი
