- 26/02/2018
შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის განათლებისა და ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის ორგანიზებით 22 მარტს გაიმართა მე-4 სტუდენტური კონფერენცია. კონფერენციის მონაწილეთა რიცხვი ყოველწლიურად იზრდება და მასში ერთვებიან ბაკალავრიატისა და მაგისტრატურის საფეხურის სხვადასხვა სპეციალობის სტუდენტები – ინგლისური ფილოლოგია, ამერიკათმცოდნეობა, ინგლისური ენის სწავლება და განათლების ადმინისტრირება. სტუდენტები ენთუზიაზმით ჩართვნენ კონფერენციაში და წარმოადგინეს საინტერესო თემები შესაბამის დარგში – ანგლო-ამერიკული ლიტერატურა და
Please send an abstract (about 100 words) to Tea Chumburidze e-mail:tchumburidze@ibsu.edu.ge; The paper presenters are kindly asked to restrict their presentations to 10-20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion led by the chair of the session. Each session will therefore have a total duration of 20-25 minutes.
8th International Conference on American Studies Organized by International Black Sea University Faculty of Education & Humanities in Cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Georgia Conference Date: December 1, 2015 Conference Themes: The Conference will focus on a broad range of topics related to education and research on American Studies. Considering the theme of the conference,
The U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Richard Norland & the Cultural Attaché James Dewey of the U.S. Embassy visited the 7th annual International American Studies Research Conference of the Faculty of Education & Humanities, on November 5, 2014 at the International Black Sea University. The Ambassador addressed the participants of the conference & students with a thoroughly
On November 26, 2013, Annual International Research Conference on American Studies was held in the International Black Sea University (IBSU), organized by the American Studies Direction of the Faculty of Education and. The participants of the conference were: Georgian and American professors, doctorates, B.A., M.A. program (U.S. Foreign Affairs) and Ph.D. students of the American
On November 15, 2012, Annual International Research Conference on American Studies was held in the International Black Sea University (IBSU), organized by the American Studies Direction of the Faculty of. The participants of the conference were: Georgian and American professors, doctorates, B.A. and M.A. program (U.S. Foreign Affairs) students of the American Studies Department of
On December 15, 2011, Annual International Research Conference on American Studies was held in the International Black Sea University (IBSU), organized by the American Studies Direction of the Faculty of Humanities (Head of the Direction Prof. Dr. Tamar Shioshvili). The participants of the conference were: professors, doctorates, B.A. and M.A. program (U.S. Foreign Affairs) students
On October 23, 2009, Annual International Research Conference on American Studies was held in the International Black Sea University (IBSU), organized by the American Studies Direction of the Faculty of Humanities. The participants of the conference were: professors, doctorates and B.A. program students of the American Studies Department of the Faculty of Humanities; professors and
Faculty of Education at International Black Sea University on March 19, 2011 held an International conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English and literatures in English. Thirty five papers were presented by 35 scholars and students from Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq, and USA.
თბილისი, დ.აღმაშენებლის ხეივანი, მე-13 კმ. #2
+995 322 800 064
ორშ-პარ: 9:00-18:00