On October 23, 2009, Annual International Research Conference on American Studies was held in the International Black Sea University (IBSU), organized by the American Studies Direction of the Faculty of Humanities. The participants of the conference were: professors, doctorates and B.A. program students of the American Studies Department of the Faculty of Humanities; professors and M.A. program students of the I. Javakhishvili State University; professors of the Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University; professors of the Tsereteli Kutaisi State University. Head of the Public Affairs Section of the United States Embassy in Georgia Cynthia Whittlesey and Cultural Attaché of the United States Embassy in Georgia Saul Hernandez delivered Speeches at the opening of the conference. Fulbright Professor, Richard Horwitz, specially invited by the U.S. Embassy and U.S. professor Edward Raupp introduced papers at the plenary Session of the Conferece, after which the participants read papers in the following workshops: Education and Social Issues; U.S. – Georgia; History, Art and Economic; Literature and Women’s Studies Issues.