The Quality Assurance Office of Ltd International Black Sea University is an independent structural unit which fulfills its functions in accordance with the regulations of the Quality Assurance Office, internal regulations of the University, other internal acts of the University and with current Georgian legislation.
The Office is oriented to provide an access to the high-quality education based on academic freedom and democratic principles, as well as support students to prepare for the future career, to develop personally and be the active citizens of democratic the society.
A ‘Quality Box’ has been placed in the university foyer to enhance internal quality assurance mechanisms and promote student participation in quality assurance processes. Students can use this box to submit any concerns or issues that need addressing. All submissions are anonymous and are gradually reviewed and addressed. Updates on actions taken in response to submissions are displayed on the notice board above the box.
The aim of the Office is to take relevant measures for systematic improvement of the quality of teaching and scientific-research work, to support constant increase of the academic staff’s professional level, to implement and develop modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation; to carry out institutional research of the university and deliver results to the Rector and responsible people of the University for further consideration, together with appropriate recommendations.
For the realization of the set-out purposes, the Quality Assurance Office uses “Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)” cycle approach:
The elaborated quality assurance mechanisms provide the continuous assessment of the University activities and resources to permanently develop them. Evaluation results shall be considered by all management levels of the University and further decisions for the planning and developing of the educational activities in the University shall be made based on these results.
Contact information:
+ 995 32 259 50 08 (132/133)