- 02/02/2019
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On the 1st of February, 2019 an orientation meeting was held with the academic and invited staff involved in the carrying out of the bachelor educational programs at the Faculty of Business Management.
შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის სამართლის ფაკულტეტის ფარგლებში გამოიცა
The winter school on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science (https://cte.ibsu.edu.ge/wstfcs2019/) will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, February 4-9, 2019. The school will be organized by the
შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის ორგანიზებით სამართლის ფაკულტეტის ასოცირებული
On December 17, 2019 Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene from Siualia State College (Lithuania) visited Faculty of Business and Technologies. Prof. Zaneta Kavaliauskiene introduced to students and staff Siualia
IBSU, SRDI and Bridge Innovation and Development proudly presents: Heart of Georgia to the World Hackathon coming up on February 22, 2019. Heart of Georgia is an exclusive 36 hour hackathon format to develop