Frequently asked questions


  • How many steps are involved in registration?

    For first-year students, registration for the first semester is a two-step process. In all other cases, students register online.

  • Is it necessary to verify the certificate?

    No, it’s not necessary. When you register at the university, you will need to bring the original of the certificate.

  • When should we pay tuition fees?

    The initial deposit must be paid before registration is complete.

Exchange programs

  • Does IBSU have exchange programs?

    Yes, it does.

  • Which international programs are available at the university?

    Erasmus + and DAAD.

  • In which countries does it have exchange programs?

    Over 70 universities worldwide are partners of IBSU. As a result, every student has access to higher education in both Europe and leading Asian countries.

  • What is required to participate in exchange programs?

    High academic performance and active student life

  • From which years of study is it possible to participate in exchange programs?

    It is recommended from the second year.


  • What is the procedure for recognizing credits?

    In order to recognize the credits of a student transferred through mobility, the Academic Process Management Service, in coordination with the head of the relevant program, prepares a comparison act and submits it to the Quality Assurance Service for review. The final version of the comparison act is approved by the Faculty Board. The consent or refusal to recognize the credits by the university is confirmed in writing by the student, organized by the Academic Process Management Service.

  • Will I be able to utilize mobility if I still have classes at my current university?

    Yes, it is possible. There are no restrictions in this regard.

  • Can I benefit from internal grants during my mobility?

    Yes, it is possible. You need to submit the relevant documentation to receive an internal grant.

  • What documents do I need during external mobility?

    A student wishing to participate in mobility, after receiving confirmation of the mobility, must submit the following documentation to the International Black Sea University:


    Copy(s) of the document(s) regulating his/her student status (e.g., act of enrollment/resumption/suspension of status/termination of status);

    A transcript of records signed and stamped by an authorized person of the university (indicating the number of credits and grades of study components);

    The student must submit a document confirming the correspondence of the subjects/test types passed in the national exams (if the Unified National Exams were passed in 2020 and later)/Master’s exam with the program to which they are transferring through mobility. If this correspondence is not confirmed, the student will not be able to participate in the mobility.

    Copy of the  identification card (ID);

    A document confirming complete general education and/or a copy of the document confirming completion of the previous level of higher education;

    Two photographs (3X4), (printed and digital);

    For male students: a document confirming military registration;

    In case of enrollment in the Master’s and Doctoral levels through mobility, if the candidate presents a diploma obtained as a result of completing a program of at least five years within the period specified by the Law of Georgia “On Higher Education”, the candidate must also present a recognition document issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, which confirms the equivalence of the diploma with the corresponding level.

  • What documents are required for internal mobility?

    To exercise the right to internal mobility, the student is obliged to submit the following documents to the relevant faculty of the university, within the deadlines specified by IBSU:


    1. Application (R3.F13);
    2. When writing the mobility application, the student must submit a document confirming the correspondence of the subjects/test type passed in the national exams (if the Unified National Exams were passed in 2020 and later) / master’s exam with the program to which the mobility transfer is being made. If this correspondence is not confirmed, the student will not be able to participate in the mobility.
  • If a mobility applicant has a diploma issued by a foreign country, what is the procedure in this case?

    In the case of a diploma issued by a foreign country, it is necessary to submit a notarized translation recognized by the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement.

  • What are the terms for a foreign citizen to transfer to IBSU?

    Different tuition fees apply to foreign citizens. Detailed information is available on the IBSU website or contact;

  • What requirements must a mobility applicant meet when transferring from a Georgian-language educational program to an English-language educational program?

    When exercising the right to mobility from a Georgian-language educational program to an English-language educational program, the student is obliged to confirm the appropriate level of English language proficiency. For this purpose, the appropriate levels are:

    In order to enroll in the first semester of a bachelor’s degree, a student must have received at least the number of points in the English language exam at the Unified National Examinations that is determined for the receiving educational program in the corresponding academic year. (50%+1) or (60%+1);

    A student enrolled in the second semester of a bachelor’s degree must confirm the B1 level of English language proficiency;

    A student enrolled in the 3rd-5th semester of a bachelor’s degree must confirm the B2 level of English language proficiency.

    As for master’s and doctoral programs. A student enrolled in a Master’s program must prove English language proficiency at level B2, while a student enrolled in a Doctoral program must prove English language proficiency at level B2/C1 as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

    In order to prove the required level, a student may: present an international English language certificate or pass an English language exam designated by IBSU or present a document confirming that he/she has completed an educational component in English at the same level, the results of which are at level B2/C1 or present a document confirming that he/she has completed a previous level English-language educational program within the last three years and his/her grade point average (GPA) within this program is at least 75 (out of 100) or 3 (out of 4).

  • When is the language level test taken?

    If the documentation submitted by the student does not indicate the appropriate language level required by the educational program, the student must pass a language level assessment test. This test is conducted within the deadlines for submitting the documentation specified for mobility by the student, no later than the deadline for the recognition of credits and the preparation of decisions and conclusions of the faculties of the International Black Sea University LLC on the persons to be enrolled.

  • In what cases is it not necessary to write a test?

    In order to confirm the required level, the student may: a) present an international English language certificate; b) in order to enroll in the first semester of the bachelor’s degree, the student must have received at least the number of points in the English language exam at the Unified National Examinations, which is determined for the receiving educational program in the corresponding academic year. (50% + 1) or (60% + 1) for the English Philology program; c) present a document confirming that he/she has passed the educational component in English at the same level, the results of which are at the appropriate / B2 / C1 level; d) present a document confirming that he/she has completed an English-language educational program of the previous level within the last three years and his/her grade point average (GPA) within this program is at least 75 (out of 100) or 3 (out of 4).

Student rights

  • Do students have the right to establish a student club?

    Yes, one is free to establish and/or join a student organization according to one’s own interests.

  • Can a student evaluate a lecturer and a curriculum?

    The Quality Management Service periodically evaluates the performance of academic staff, in which all students have the opportunity to participate.

  • When I have a specific issue to resolve, who do I refer to?

    The student should discuss issues of interest in the following order: first, he/she should contact the education process administrator; then, the program director or the school dean.

  • Who should I contact regarding tuition fees or other financial issues?

    For financial matters, including tuition fees, you should contact the university chancellor.

  • Can I appeal the exam result?

    Initially, it is advisable to discuss the exam paper with the lecturer and receive feedback. After entering the marks in the student information system, you can appeal the exam paper.

student responsibilities

  • What obligations does a student have while studying at the university?

    The student is obliged to:

    • Learn and develop intellectually by using the opportunities offered by the university for personal growth, development and success;
    • Master the mandatory components chosen by him/her in accordance with the requirements of the educational program and university regulations;
    • Follow the university rules. The student’s ignorance of the rules does not absolve them of responsibility. All students are obliged to familiarize themselves with the university regulations.
    • Follow the obligations arising from the mutual agreement between the student and the university; 
    • Take care of and protect the university’s property.
    • Act in accordance with environmental, ecological, sanitary, fire safety and other general rules.

Student status

  • What can be the basis for suspending a student's status?

    • The grounds for suspending student status are:

    Pregnancy, childbirth, childcare or deterioration of health;

    Financial debt;

    Failure to maintain academic registration (except for studies within the framework of an exchange educational program);

    Failure to maintain financial registration;

    Studying at a higher educational institution abroad (except for studies within the framework of an exchange educational program);

    Personal statement (without specifying the reason);

    Lack of health and accident insurance (if such insurance is required by law or by-law).

    Please note that after 5 years from the suspension of student status, a person’s student status is terminated, except for cases provided for by law.

  • What can be the reason for termination of student status?

    The grounds for termination of student status are:

    • Awarding of an academic degree;
    • Transfer to another higher education institution;
    • Failing at least two compulsory study components three times (except in cases where the student exercises the right to internal mobility to another educational program where the failed study component is not a course with compulsory status);
    • Breach of the university’s disciplinary norms, which, in accordance with the “Rules Governing Student Disciplinary Responsibility” (R7), provide for termination of student status;
    • Suspension of student status for a period of five years;
    • Personal statement;
    • Death;
    • Incomplete completion of the educational program during additional semesters.
  • Is it possible to restore student status?

    • Yes, it is possible. Within 5 years of the suspension of status.

    The student must apply to the faculty for the restoration of student status at least 2 weeks before the start of the educational process.

    In the event of restoration of student status, the educational components passed and to be passed by the student are evaluated. If the educational program has undergone a change during the period of suspension of student status, the student may be eligible for additional components after the restoration of status.