
- 27/07/2023
IBSU offers brand-new English-language master’s program
International Black Sea University (IBSU) offers an unparalleled, brand-new English-language master’s program!
As part of our partnership with the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) in Germany and four other universities, we present a completely novel, globally accredited double degree program in Management and Computer Science.
Here are the unique features and benefits of this program:
1) All students enrolled in the program will study at the WHZ during the first semester, and in the second and third semesters, they will pick one of the partner universities from the Asia and South Caucasus region; The student returns to the home university in the fourth semester to defend the master’s thesis, and it is worth mentioning that the student can have two supervisors of the master’s thesis – one from the home university and another one from one of the partner universities;
2) The first semester fees are waived as the student studies at the WHZ for free during this period;
3) A student enrolled in the program is eligible for a scholarship to cover living and travel expenses for the first semester in Germany. This scholarship is awarded based on a motivation letter and an interview;
4) The primary advantage of this program is that you will graduate with a double degree recognized by both IBSU and WHZ.
Don’t miss this unique chance!