Journalism (Georgian-taught)

Purpose of Program

The goal of the Journalism Bachelor program is to:

  • Prepares competitive practicing journalists who will have the appropriate theoretical and practical skills to establish themselves in the media market at the local and international levels with modern, objective and impartial journalism standards;
  • Develops analytical and research skills in graduates, on the basis of which they will be able to assess the real environment based on research, determine those topics whose coverage is important for society;
  • Prepares graduates who will create and distribute journalistic products on media platforms in the changing environment of the media market based on objective and impartial information, thereby contributing to the building of a democratic state.


Program Admission Preconditions

  • A person with a complete general education, who has a relevant document confirmed by the state, and who, based on the results of the Unified National Examinations, has the right to study in the mentioned program. The applicant must pass one of the foreign languages at the Unified National Examination. The main subjects to be passed are the Georgian language and foreign language (German, English, Russian, French); The applicant must pass one of the following subjects: mathematics, history, geography, literature, civics.
  • After obtaining the right to study, the person must undergo administrative registration at the International Black Sea University.
  • Persons who, based on the Order No. 224/n of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated December 29, 2011 “On Approval of the Rules for Submission and Review of Documents by Applicants/Master’s Degree Candidates/Students Having the Right to Study at a Higher Educational Institution without Passing Unified National Exams/Common Master’s Degree Exams”, have the right to enroll in a university without passing the Unified National Exams. The aforementioned persons are obliged to confirm their proficiency in the Georgian language at level B2

Students enrolled under the mobility rule in accordance with the Order No. 10/n of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated February 4, 2010 “On Approval of the Rules and Fees for Transferring from a Higher Educational Institution to Another Higher Educational Institution”.


Field of Employment

The graduate’s professional field of activity is:

  • Broadcasting (radio and television) companies;
  • Print and online media companies (web portals);
  • Media holdings;
  • News agencies;
  • Press offices of state and non-governmental organizations and business companies;
  • Public service structures;
  • Consulting and advertising companies;
  • Advertising companies and any other organizations where a qualified journalist is needed.


Tuition Fees

For entrants who are enrolled via Unified National Exams: 3990 GEL



Head of the Program: Magda Memanishvili
Phone: +995 32 2800 064 (134)
Room: A404

