The goal of the Bachelor of Tourism Program is to prepare competitive and qualified professionals enriched with theoretical knowledge and practical/transparent skills corresponding to the tourism labor market via implying the specificity of a Tourism Sector.
The Graduate can hold the position of a Low and/or a Middle Manager and/or Field Specialist at public/governmental (Georgian National Tourism Administration, Agency for Protected Areas, Cultural Heritage and Monument Protection Agency, Museum Association, Museum, Culture and Sports Services, etc.) as well as non-governmental, private and international organizations, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, transport companies, and airports, moreover, she/or he independently is able to establish travel agencies, become start-up entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, etc. The theoretical knowledge, practical/analytical skills acquired within the bachelor’s program enable graduates to continue their studies at the second level of higher education both in Georgia and abroad.
The student is enrolled in the bachelor’s educational program following the rules established by the legislation of Georgia – based on the results of the Unified National Examinations. One of the compulsory subjects is Mathematics or History or Geography. However, the entrant must pass only English in foreign languages at the Unified National Examinations. Passing the English Language is obligatory (Minimum competency level (50%+1).
A person with complete general education is eligible for enrollment in the undergraduate education program. Enrollment in cases provided by law is possible following the rules established by law without passing the Unified National Examinations.
The conditions for admission to the program for foreign citizens can be found at the link–( )
For entrants who are enrolled via Unified National Exams: 3190 GEL
For entrants who are not enrolled via Unified National Exams: 4500 USD
Awarded Qualification: Bachelor of Business Administration in Tourism
Language of Instruction: English
Ects and Duration: 240 Ects(4 years)
Head of the Program: Affil. Prof. Dr. Eka Devidze
Phone: (+995 32) 2800 064
Room: # 306