
    • 28/09/2021

    Impact of Covid 19 on Tourism – Professor Simon Caruana Conducted a Workshop for IBSU Student

    On September 27, director of the Malta Institute of Tourism, Professor Simon Caruana conducted a workshop entitled “The Impact of Covid 19 on the Entertainment Industry” within a framework of International Tourism Day, organized by the IBSU Tourism Program. During the meeting, the presenter spoke about the Covid-19 effects in the tourism sector, challenges faced by the sector, specifically – the entertainment industry. Simon Caruana has also elaborated on the

    • 27/09/2021

    Orientation Meeting with Freshmen students

    On September 23-24, 2021, the Faculty of Business and Technology held orientation meeting with Freshman students. During the meeting, Freshmen were informed about the procedures related to the study process of the autumn semester. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held in online format.

    • 20/09/2021

    Orientation Meeting with Academic and Invited Staff of the Faculty of Business and Technologies

    On September 17, 2021, the Faculty of Business and Technology held a traditional orientation meeting with academic and visiting staff involved in the implementation of educational programs. During the meeting, the lecturers were informed about the procedures related to the study process of the autumn semester. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held

    • 29/06/2021

    Internal Mobility Dates

    Dear Students, The dates for Internal Mobility is 16-22 July (2021) Please, submit the application on the given dates to Kristina Lazaridi: Link for application: Click here

    • 25/06/2021

    Summer School

    Dear Students, Registration for Summer School Starts. The deadline for submission of application is July 7 For details, please, contact:

    • 25/06/2021

    Meeting with EPAM Representatives

    Informational meeting between bachelor Computer Science direction students of the Faculty of Business and Technologies, International Black Sea University, and the representatives of EPAM was held on June 24, 2021 regarding the introduction of a free course in the Front End region of Georgia. For detailed information about the free course, please, follow this link: