IBSU-ს ბიზნესისა და ტექნოლოგიების ფაკულტეტის – მარკეტინგის, მენეჯმენტის და ტურიზმის მიმართულების სტუდენტებისათვის ამსტერდამის გამოყენებითი მეცნიერებების უნივერსიტეტის წარმომადგენლებმა – კლარენს ვან დერ პიუტმა და ბარტ დე ჰანმა ჩაატარეს მასტერკლასი თემაზე: ,,მარკეტინგული...
EBRD Georgia currently implements DCFTA Adaptation Programme funded by the EU under EU4BUSINESS initiative. The Programme aims improvement of competitiveness of local SMEs and helping them to adapt to the...
Cultural Tour for the 14th International Silk Road Conference Participants & IBSU Tourism Program student Liza Jokhadze in a role of a Guide
Field visit to Ethnographic Museum for first year students of Architecture and Tourism Programs
Workshop: ,,Tourism, Travel Motivation” was organized for IBSU Tourism Program students, the invited speaker was Mr. Guram Sherozia
Mr. Irakli Kobakhidze, the former Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, presented a copyright book- "Constitutional Law" to the International Black Sea University, law freshmen students, professors and the University Library....
On September 26, 2019,The Law Clinic of International Black Sea University launched the Invited Speaker's Project.Within the framework of the project the first guest of the university was Mr. Levan...
On September 27-28, the 4th International Conference on History, Art, Literature and Culture in the Black Sea Region and South Caucasus was held at the International Black Sea University. A...
On September 26, Faculty of Business and Technologies hosted Steven Pemberton - a researcher in the Distributed and Interactive Systems group at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the national...