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Visit of German employers

Share you the information about the visits of German employers and possible summer work in Germany.The representatives of our two partner hotels will visit the International Black Sea University on...

Future Bank Program

Ministry of Education, Science, Culture  and Sport of Georgia Please be informed that the "Children and Youth National Center" implements the program "Future Bank" for providing educational, sport, cognitive and...

Dr. Oliver Raisner and Davit Jishkariani Delivered the Joint Lecture on “The Interwar Caucasus: Creation and Diminishing the New States”

March 22, 2019 the professor of Ilia State University Dr. Oliver Raisner and the researcher of the Soviet Past Research Laboratory David Jishkariani delivered the joint lecture on “The Interwar...

Summer School at Amsterdam University

Please see information about the Summer School in Amsterdam! IBSU deadline is April 14 th, so student have enough time to prepare all the documents. IBSU has 5 waves for...

Q & A session for exchange programs

On  March 29th office of the International Relations office will carry out Q & A session for exchange programs, where students can find out more about the exchange programs. Location:...

Check please an amendment to “Rules and Regulations for Educational Process”

Students must prove their valid excuses for the missed examination(s) by submitting the following related documents to the faculty/IPS board: a) Certificate of planned/emergency hospitalization; b) Course overlapping; c) Service...

IBSU-ს დოქტორი ნიკოლოზ ფარჯანაძე აშშ-ში პროფესიული ვიზიტით იმყოფებოდა

შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტის განათლებისა და ჰუმანიტარულ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის პროფ. დოქტ. ნიკოლოზ ფარჯანაძემ მონაწილეობა მიიღო აშშ-ის სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტის მიერ დაფინანსებულ გაცვლით პროგრამაში ინგლისური ენის პროფესიონალებისათვის. პროექტი განხორციელდა პროგრამა ,,ინგლისური ენის პროფესიონალის’’ (English...

Meeting with English sector students

On 16 March, the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering organized meeting with students. The Program Coordinator had discussion with students about the program development and their participation in it....